Attention Icon
Attention: Business Owners…


Better Still - Once You Discover What This Strategy Is, You Can Implement It Inside Your Business In Less Than 24 Hours!

6 Bonuses Viral Referral Method
ONLY $1,604 $27 TODAY

You’re saving $1,577

Download The eBook and 6 Bonuses For Just $27.00 Instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Backed by our 30 day
money back guarantee!

82.2 million leads.

That's how many leads my NEW contrarian marketing experiment has generated.

Best of all…

These leads turned into hungry buyers with an exponentially higher lifetime customer value.

This method can work for you, too.

This is for you if you’re a coach, consultant, expert, service provider, e-commerce business owner, marketer, or you have a brick-and-mortar business.

Once you discover this method, I promise you'll never advertise in the same way online ever again.

Plus, this method can be set up in just hours once you discover what it is…

Before I Discovered This
New Marketing Method
, I Thought I Had Tried It All Online.

I've been in business for 15+ years and have generated $30M online.

I like to see myself as a marketing scientist.

So, I'm constantly trying to come up with new ways to gain an edge over my competition.

So, for a new campaign, I thought to myself…

"I'm Going To Try Something
Completely Different

Completely Different Image

I created a simple opt-in page (nothing out of the ordinary there).

But, instead of doing what every other business owner does on the thank you page by just saying "thanks for opting in".

I did something completely different…

Here’s Everything Included

6 Bonuses Viral Referral Method

6 Bonuses Included Today

30-day free access to upviral


Automate your viral referral marketing campaigns with UpViral, the #1 referral marketing platform in the market.

Price: $119
In-depth Case Studies Image

50+ in-depth case studies

Discover proven campaigns from different industries that you can easily implement in your own business.

Price: $497
Private marketing image

Private Marketing Community

Surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs to help your business grow using the power of referrals.

Price: $497
Viral impact calculator

Viral Impact Calculator

Utilize our powerful Viral Calculator to predict the growth and impact of your viral campaign.

Price: $197
Launch checklist image

Launch Checklist

Step-by-step Launch Checklist for an ultra-successful campaign with the Viral Referral Method.

Price: $97
7-day fast start program image

7 Day Fast Start Program

Your shortcut to success. By eliminating all guesswork, you can get new sales and leads within 7 days.

Price: $197

ONLY $1,604 $27 TODAY

You’re saving $1,577

Download The eBook and 6 Bonuses For Just $27.00 Instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Backed by our 30 day
money back guarantee!

People Who Opted In Were Offered An Incentive To Share The Page With Friends And Family On Social Media.

Once I did this…I didn't think too much of it.

What happened next completely blew my mind…🤯

People started sharing the page like crazy on Facebook™, Twitter, LinkedIn, Messenger, and on other platforms!

The end result?

I collected 17k leads within the first 30 days.

I've Used This Method To Generate 30% to 100% More Leads For Every Campaign I Run!

It's not just my business either…

I've Since Named This Process The Viral Referral Method™ And Shared It With 32,600+ Other Business Owners…

They’re getting results like this…

Horatiu generated nearly 3000 leads in just 30 days. Even more exciting? The same campaign has generated over $150000 in sales on autopilot over the course of a year.

Brazilian Business Education Firm G4 Educaçao generated a staggering $1.5 million in sales using this method.

Legion Beats got 41,985 leads and $200,000 in sales with this strategy.

And, Joe Di Siena generated 230,669 leads and a half-million in sales using this simple formula.

Most business owners are using the old way to market online.

Let me demonstrate clearly with these two images below the difference between the old way (image on the left) and the new way to market online using the Viral Referral Method™ (image on the right).

Old way marketing online
New way marketing online

Let’s quickly run through an example comparing the results of the old way and the new way to market online (using the Viral Referral Method™).

With the old way to market online, let’s say we generate 10,000 visitors to our optin page and convert 35% (that’s a pretty standard conversion rate).

That’s 3,500 leads for every 10,000 visitors.

Using the Viral Referral Method™ we’re able to generate 30% to 100% more leads for every visitor.

So, for every 10,000 visitors, instead of generating just 3,500 new leads using the old way, we can generate anywhere from 4,550 and 7,000 leads! 😀

That’s an extra 1,050-3,500 leads for barely any extra effort and at zero cost.

Sample results image

Imagine how these results could transform your business.

Using Viral Referral Method™…

1 lead has the potential to turn into 2.

2 leads have the potential to turn into 4.

4 leads have the potential to turn into 8.

Structure example image

This method has allowed us to build a gigantic email list of almost 500k email subscribers for our business.

See proof below…


You're About To Discover How To Get Exponentially More Leads With (Almost) No Additional Effort!

The best part?

These new leads generated using this method don’t just sit in your CRM dormant.

These leads are full of eager buyers ready to eat up your offers like hotcakes!

3 Reasons Why You Need To Implement The Viral Referral Method™…

Reason 1 Image - Ad prices have soared in recent years
Reason #1

Ad prices have soared in recent years,  and they'll continue to do so into the future, which means profits are getting squeezed.

That’s because it costs you more to acquire a customer than ever before.

Reason #2

You can maximize your lead generation efforts with (almost) no extra work and at zero extra cost!

The method I'm about to share with you requires barely any additional work and no extra cost!

I hate using the term "set and forget", but this strategy is as close to set and forget as there is.

Reason 2 Image - Maximize your lead generation efforts
Reason 3 Image - Build massive email
Reason #3

You can build a massive email list that you own (unlike your social accounts).

Email is still king when it comes to generating sales online.

Plus, you own your email list unlike your social media accounts which could get banned and all your followers in a second.

So, this strategy can build a gigantic list of hot leads which can turn into buyers!

All you need to do is bolt on the Viral Referral Method™ to all your thank you pages and experience this phenomenon for yourself.

Start generating exponentially more leads and sales with almost no extra work!

Plus, these new paying customers have a significantly higher lifetime customer value, too!

Now, you might be thinking...

Will This Be A Headache To Set Up?

Nope, not at all.

Once you discover what this method is, you can literally have this set up in hours.

Without any fancy tech skills.

Best of all, once you set it up it’s literally set and forget.

That's because each time someone opts in they're seeing the exact same page that you’ll create once and that’s it!

What’s more, by using the Viral Referral Method™ you’re not just generating more leads and customers.

These New Buyers Will Also Spend More!

Here's why…

These new leads are referred leads.

There's already more trust built into the relationship so these leads have a higher lifetime customer value.

Here's proof…

The AMA Journal Of Marketing revealed that people who refer friends and family are not just more likely to buy, but they have a significantly higher lifetime customer value.

AMA Journal of Marketing Image

This is inline with Nielssen’s research saying that people trust recommendations from friends and family above all other forms of advertising.

Nielsen Insight 2012 Consumer Trust Image

Best of all, all your current traffic sources will start pumping out more leads and buyers than before.

Simply just bolt on this method to all your current traffic sources and you'll literally start generating 30% to 100% more leads and sales almost immediately.

Imagine getting 30% to 100% more leads and buyers for every single traffic source you use.

Think about how much extra revenue and profit that equates to each month and each year inside your business.

A lot, right?

Well, it's possible with this method.

Plus, how many other things in your business move the needle that much?


Best of all, this strategy has nothing to do with changing your current offer, building a new funnel, changing your price, or spending more on paid ads.

In fact, there's actually very little work involved.

And, if you keep reading, I'll reveal how to get the exact copy-and-paste templates to implement this simple method inside your business within just hours.

Yep. Just hours.

Plus, This Is The EXACT Same Method Which Has Generated 64 Million Leads For Businesses.

64 million leads.

For coaches, consultants, info-product creators, digital product creators, ecom store owners, brick and mortar stores, and service businesses.

Want even more proof?

Then, check out these results below… 👇

This Strategy Can Generate Leads, Sales And Profits Well Into The Future!

To illustrate the power of this…

I want you to think about generating 30% to 100% more leads, not just today, next week, or next month.

But, let's consider the RESULTS 30% to 100% more leads equals in 1, 2, or even 5 years.

Holy smokes!

When you do some quick calculations, this strategy can literally skyrocket the growth of your business!

Here's the best part?

In My Brand-New Book, I'll Reveal How To Implement This Method With Very Little Work…

It's not just myself saying how powerful this strategy is…

Alex Hormozi Quote Image

Which are paid ads, affiliates, manual outbound, and referrals.

The key point Alex has raised before is paid ads, affiliates, and manual outbound are all linear ways of generating new customers.

Which means it takes "effort" to generate new customers one at a time.

However, referrals create a viral loop effect.


1 customer tells 2 people.

2 people tell 4, 4 people tell 8 etc.

So, there's a compounding positive effect on your effort by focusing on referrals.

In other words, you get exponential returns for the same effort.

But, imagine creating this viral loop effect for lead generating.

Imagine getting your leads to refer you new leads.

In short, it would put your lead-generating efforts on steroids!

This viral loop effect can generate 30% to 100% more leads at almost no extra effort and with zero cost!

Now you might be wondering…

How do I implement this inside my business?

Here’s How To Implement This Method With 3 Simple Steps Inside Your Business!


Start collecting email addresses with any of the following methods.

Lead Magnets, webinars, contests, sweepstakes, product launches, waiting lists, summits, newsletters, referral programs etc.

Once you're deploying any of the above methods to collect emails, you can now supercharge your lead generation efforts with the Viral Referral Method™.


On the thank you page of any of the above lead generation methods, you can create unique incentives for people to share your page.

These incentives could be giveaways, bonuses, or discounts.


Your new leads start sharing your page with just a click of a button on social media, messaging apps, Whatsapp and email.

The end result?

You're now going to start generating more free traffic because your leads have shared your page.

This means you’ll start generating new leads from friends and family of the people who shared your page.

This simple method can equate to up to 30% to 100% more leads, revenue and profits for your business.

The best part?

This can be achieved without a ton of work and at no extra cost.

Ready To Start Implementing The Viral Referral Method™ Inside Your Business?

If you are, then keep reading…

Because to get the most out of this Viral Referral Method™.

You can't just try to figure out how to implement this alone.

That's not going to deliver the most optimal results for you and your business.

I've already done the testing and made the mistakes for you.

So, instead of trying to take this idea and run with it and end up making a ton of mistakes.

Why Don't I Just Give You The Exact Step-By-Step Copy And Paste System So You Can Deploy This Into Your Business?

Well, you’re in luck…

Because that’s EXACTLY what I’ve created for you.

It's called the Viral Referral Method™ book…

I've created a 195-page downloadable book on exactly how to get the most out of the Viral Referral Method™.

Here's What You Can Expect To Gain From The Book…

19 Chapters

Foundational chapters

Execution chapters 

Inspiration chapters

195 Pages

Everything you need to generate leads & sales using referrals.

1 system

Follow a system that's been proven across many industries.

A Proven System

to tap into the most lucrative traffic strategy available today.

Broken Lines Image

Get Many Referrals

by incentivizing people to talk about your business.

Broken Lines Image

Build a Huge
Email List

without creating any new offers, funnels, or a ton of leg work.

Broken Lines Image
Viral Referral Method Book Image

Create A Buzz

by incentivizing word-of-mouth across all socials.

Broken Lines Image

Turn New Leads Into Profits

with our copy-and-paste email follow-up sequence and strategy.

Broken Lines Image

Create Long-Term Value

by running evergreen campaigns that deliver results continuously.

Broken Lines Image

Plus, I'm Going To Throw In These

30-Day Free Access to our viral referral platform, UpViral

In-depth Case Studies Image
Niche Value

UpViral is considered the #1 viral referral platform in the market. It’s responsible for helping 32,600 businesses generate a staggering 69 million leads.

It's the very software that industry giants like Russell Brunson, Ryan Deiss, and Neil Patel rely on to exponentially grow their businesses.

And now, it's available to you, absolutely free, for an entire 30 days.What's the highlight, you ask?

With UpViral, you can effortlessly deploy the Viral Referral Method in mere minutes, thanks to its user-friendly interface and done-for-you templates.

It just requires a few simple clicks and UpViral will start generating leads even while you sleep.

50+ in-depth case studies in every niche you could imagine

In-depth Case Studies Image
Niche Value

Such as e-commerce low ticket, e-commerce high ticket, coaching, consulting, SAAS, apps, restaurants, events, books, and more.

This means you can ethically steal proven campaigns and plug them straight into your business immediately!

Plus, you’ll gain heaps of inspiration for your own campaigns.

This truly is a blueprint for creating viral campaigns that generate leads and sales like clockwork.

Access to the private growth & marketing community

Access to the private growth & marketing community image
Niche Value

So, you can share ideas with other entrepreneurs and most importantly see other business owners' results with the Viral Referral Method™ which will inspire you to achieve killer results for yourself.

Viral calculator

Viral calculator Image
Niche Value

The Viral Calculator is a tool we built that helps you estimate the impact and growth you're going to see with your viral campaign.

You enter the initial traffic you're planning on sending, and the conversion rate and it shows you a graph with the lead growth you'll experience!

Launch checklist

Launch checklist
Niche Value

So, you can see exactly step-by-step what you need to do to create an ultra-profitable launch using the Viral Referral Method™.

7 day fast start program

7-day fast start program
Niche Value

This is our step-by-step roadmap to getting up and running with our Viral Referral Method™ with ease.

We have eliminated all the guesswork, so you can start generating new sales and leads in as little as 7 days or less.

Here’s More Proof Of The Power Of The Viral Referral Method™…

Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me?

Wilco Photo

My name is Wilco De Kreij and I’m a full-time online marketing whiz kid who started at the age of 16, when he started selling sunglasses online.

Over the next decade I’ve built multiple successful businesses online and has generated +$30M in sales online.

I’m also the founder of UpViral which is a marketing platform which helps 32,600+ businesses scale using viral marketing methods.

Why Did I Create
The Viral Referral Method™?

I'm going to be fully transparent…

I'd love to work together on a more intimate basis in the future.

However, I realize I need to give you results in advance for you to trust that I can deliver the goods for you.

That's why I've created this so you can generate a tsunami of leads and sales.

And then come back wanting to know the next step to supercharge your results even more.

Can You Afford Not To Start Using The Viral Referral Method™?

Generating leads costs a small fortune with traditional paid ad methods.

Let's run through some quick examples.

Look, let's say you're generating 5,000 leads per month with paid ads.

If you were to generate 5,000 extra leads using Facebook™ ads it would cost you anywhere between $4-$8 per lead.

As you can see, this isn't cheap 😥.

I'm not saying paid ads are not a great tool, they are.

But, imagine generating an extra 30% to 100% more leads!

That would be like getting 1,500-5,000 + leads for free!!!

As You Can See The Viral Referral Method™ Is A No-Brainer!

When you consider how you can effectively generate leads at no cost.

Let’s quickly add up the value of everything you’re getting…

The Viral Referral Method™ could easily be sold as a stand-alone course for $1,000 easily.

Plus, you’re also getting all the bonuses.

Book Product Image
Green Check Icon

You’re getting 30-Day Free Access to UpViral, which is worth $119

Green Check Icon

You’re getting 50+ in-depth case studies…which is worth $500.

Green Check Icon

Access to the private growth & marketing community which is worth $497.

Green Check Icon

The viral calculator which is worth $197.

Green Check Icon

The launch checklist which is worth $97.

Green Check Icon

The 7 day fast start program which is worth $197.

Green Check Icon

The 7-day copy and paste email follow-up templates which is worth $297.

Now, if we add up the Viral Referral Method™ and all the bonuses, it comes to a total value of $1,904.

But, I’m not going to ask you to pay $1,904..

Or even $795…

If you take action today, all I'm going to ask you to pay is just $27.

I know, it's a crazy deal, especially when you consider you're literally going to discover how to generate free leads on demand.

Will These Leads Convert Into Buyers?

Absolutely, yes!

I'm not even going to pull wool over your eyes with big promises without proof (there are plenty of fake gurus out there who do just that).

I'm just going to reveal a ton of proof below that these leads turn into buyers…

Joe Di Siena Square photo

Joe Di Siena generated 230,669 leads and produced more than half-a-million dollars in sales!

Gabe square photo

Gabe Schillinger did over $200,000 in sales and 42,000 leads!

Silvia square photo

Silvia’s campaign generated 2395 direct leads and 2934 referral leads.

Horatiu square photo

With a 30-day UpViral campaign Horatiu Manea generated 3000 highly-motivated leads to their email list (2324 direct leads and 658 referred leads). Even more impressive, those 3000 leads lead to sales of $150,000 over the course of a year.

Sebastien Square Photo

Through an UpViral campaign that lasted only 4 weeks, Sébastien Godin collected over 4,500 new subscribers plus $4,775 in sales.

Leading saints square photo

Leading Saints’ UpViral campaigns score $250,000 in donations and 30,000 leads (and the numbers just keep climbing.)

G4 Square Logo

G4 Educaçao’s 1st UpViral campaign generated over 60,000 leads and $1.5 million in sales.

David square photo

David Fraser generated 103,000 leads and did approximately 900k in sales. Plus, he used the same method again in a different market and generated 85k leads which translated into about 680k sales.

Niek square photo

With a 14-day UpViral giveaway campaign Niek Theeboom generated 30,791 leads for Bataleon and created an additional $34,000 in revenue within 60 days of closing the campaign.

Amiel square photo

Amiel Riss generated over 7900 leads to date. 59% of those leads came from referrals, which is remarkable.

Ticket for good square photo

Tickets for Good, added 2300 new subscribers and 900 Facebook group members with a single 14-day UpViral campaign. After running multiple campaigns, Tickets for Good have collected over 13,330 new leads with UpViral.

Tasha Square Photo

Tasha Mayberry generated 6,000 fresh leads and boosts sales by 20%.

Lesna Sqaure Logo

Lesna generate more than 116,474 leads through contest and giveaway campaigns.

Money Back Logo

Here’s My Big Bold Promise To You…

My big bold promise to you is you're going to get an ROI from the principles outlined in the Viral Referral Method™ book – guaranteed!

Or, you don't pay a penny.

Here's how it works…

Grab the Viral Referral Method™ today and start using the principles as outlined in the book.

If you don't see an ROI in 30 days or less, send me one email and we'll refund you every penny.

No questions asked.

Plus, you can even keep the book as my gift to you just for giving this a shot.

So, you've literally got nothing to lose!

Plus, We Also Have A Love It Or Leave It Guarantee.

Meaning, if for whatever reason after purchasing you don't think it's worth the investment, then just send me one email.

And, I'll refund you every single penny.

No questions asked.

You May Not Know It But You’re Now At A Crossroads…

The decision you make right now can literally shape the growth of your business this year and beyond…

You’ve got 3 choices…

Cross icon

Option 1

Is you decide to do nothing.

You go back to doing business the old way.

But, if you're on this page, you're here for a reason.

Deep down you know you could be doing better than you are right now.

Deep down you know you could be way more successful, but you're not.

The only way you change that is to start doing things differently…

Cross icon

Option 2

You try to figure this out alone.

Is it truly worth saving $27 trying to figure this out alone when just generating a fraction more leads than you are now will cover the cost of the book?

Trying to guess your way to generating 30 to 100% more leads isn't going to cut it.

Is it worth trying to cut corners when I can hand you the blueprint for less than a night out for dinner with your partner?

White Check Icon

Option 3

Grab the Viral Referral Method™ and (almost) instantly start generating up to 30%-100% more leads, revenue and profits inside your business.

Plus, you'll have this strategy to deploy for months and years to come.

So, the opportunity to profit from this method in the future is almost infinite.

Can You Honestly Say You're Doing Everything In Your Power To Grow Your Business?

Most business owners get obsessed with acquiring new leads and sales from cold traffic.

Sure, this can work!

And, you should continue doing this.

But, most entrepreneurs are not maximizing their efforts when it comes to getting their current leads and buyers to refer.

If you're not, then this is an untapped opportunity.

Look, if you don't do this, that means you're not doing everything in your power to grow your business.

Is that something you're content with?

Because if you are, you're effectively saying I'm okay with leaving money on the table.

Plus, there’s more benefits to this offer…

No Need To Wait For Shipping.

That's right!

No need to wait for any shipping!

As soon as you've paid for the Viral Referral Method™ book, you'll have instant access.

So, you can start profiting from these strategies (almost) immediately!

Book Instant Access Image

Why Must You Act Now?

As you likely already know, as online business owners and marketers, we're always testing new ads, new sales pages, and even funnels and offers.

So, because this offer is a test funnel and offer…

I can't guarantee it will be up forever (in fact it won't).

This means you must grab this now while you still can.

You Don’t Even Need To Say Yes Today, Just Say Maybe!

You can only make an informed decision whether the Viral Referral Method™ is for you or not after viewing the book and the bonuses.

So, that’s why I don’t want you to even say yes today, just say maybe.


Sign up now and get instant access to the Viral Referral Method™.

Start going through the book and bonuses and see if it’s for you or not.

If not, no worries.

Just email our support team and use our no questions asked money back guarantee.

To Your Success,

Wilco Square Image


P.S Once again, this offer is part of a marketing test. I have no idea how long this offer will be online for or how long this low price will be available. So, don’t delay on this.

Scroll back up and grab this today!

P.P.S $27 truly is a no-brainer to discover the method that can generate 30% to 100% more leads and potential revenue and profits!



How much is the Viral Referral Method™ book going to cost?

The Viral Referral Method™ has a total value of $1,904 when you combine the total value of the book and the bonuses.

However, if you grab the Viral Referral Method™ today, you can get instant access for just $27.


Is there a guarantee?


Get the Viral Referral Method™ today and if you’re not thrilled with the results, just send us one email and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Plus, if you implement the method and don’t generate a positive ROI on your investment in the book in 30 days, just let us know and we’ll refund you every penny. So, you’ve got nothing to lose!


What type of results can I expect?

30% to 100% more additional FREE leads on top of how many leads you’re generating right now.

In short, bolt on the Viral Referral Method™ onto whatever you’re doing right now for lead generating and you’ll start generating 30% to 100% more FREE leads. It’s as simple as that!


Is this for beginner entrepreneurs?

No. This method is not for beginners.

This is for established business owners who already have a proven offer and are already generating leads and sales.


What bonuses are included?

Green Check Icon

30-Day Free Access to UpViral (Value $119)

Green Check Icon

50+ in-depth case studies in every niche you could imagine
(Value $497)

Green Check Icon

Access to the private growth & marketing community (Value $497)

Green Check Icon

Viral calculator (Value $197)

Green Check Icon

Launch checklist (Value $97)

Green Check Icon

7 day fast start program (Value $197)

Green Check Icon

7 day copy-and paste email follow-up templates (Value $297)


Will this get shipped to my house, or is this a digital download?

This Viral Referral Method™ is a digital book, so you’ll gain instant access after purchase. No shipping is necessary.


How long will it take to set-up the Viral Referral Method™?

After reading the book, you’ll be able to set-up the Viral Referral Method™ in just hours and start generating new additional FREE leads.


Do I need to use paid ads to use the Viral Referral Method™?

No, you don’t need to use paid ads to benefit from the Viral Referral Method™. Using paid ads is optional. You can still use the Viral Referral Method™ with just organic traffic sources.